Teenage Robot Hentai

My Life As A Teenage Robot Porn Story: Ties of Blood Ties of oil Chapter 1

My Life As A Teenage Robot Porn Story: Ties of Blood Ties of oil Chapter 1

Ties of Blood, Ties of Oil

A My life as a teenage robot Fanfic

Chapter 1:

In which Nora Wakeman leaves for a Convention and we learn that All is not well with the Cluster

The clouds above the town of Tremorton were a fiery orange in the setting sun on a quiet Sunday afternoon. In a lonely garage along side the ordered streets of the heart of the town, a taxi engine roared to life with a sputtering cadence. It reversed out into a street, and began to drive at a leisurely, but steady, pace down the road. It drove from the tidy streets of downtown between intersections and over hills to the wandering streets of the residential neighborhoods. As it trundled down street after street, it at last it came to a slow stop in front of a house. The driver leaned over to check the address. It was the right one, he noted with some satisfaction.

The house was similar to the others on its street. It was angular with a faded white look, and windows were made in a particularly sharp style. There were a few differences though. For one thing, the lawn was just a bit unkempt, and the driver thought he could make out scorch marks on it. Crazy kids he thought, what is it with kids and fire? On its second story a room could be seen through a massive screen of windows, and if the driver of the taxi was paying attention he perhaps would have noticed that the room within was adorned like a teenaged girls, even though it did have an inordinately large number of monitors inside it.

The taxi settled onto the side of the street and shifted into a park. The driver casually shut off its engine. The driver rolled down his window and let his arm hang out of it, so that it could gently rock back and forth in the breeze. He grabbed a pulp novel with his left hand and began to read. Faintly, he believed he could hear sounds from inside. Possibly people he thought idly. He wasnt sure though, one voice sounded a little artificial.

As anyone might guess, some of her daydreams were unattainable. Chief among these improbables was being completely human, being in the entourage of popular singing sensation Men to Boyz (It was spelled with a Z, so you knew they were extra edgy) and being constructed in the 1970s (When she was newly constructed, she had developed a strange fascination with the era). For these there was no list, except perhaps for a buried thought log floating around in her CPU. She did not need a list, so she mused at times, for she always would carry them in her heart (Or her Lubricant pump, as the case might have been)

So imagine her surprise when one would come true.

Youre going out of town again? Jenny asked Nora Wakeman in the foyer of the Wakeman house with an increasingly incredulous voice And youre not taking me with you?

Nora adjusted her glasses with her shoulder, bending her wrinkled neck as she lugged two large suitcases across the floor XJ-9 Nora said with stressed syllables, pronouncing the name more like, Ex-Jay-Niyun, rather than its actual phonetic equivalent. I have told you already the situation, Perhaps it might behoove you to listen to your mother once in a while, Hmmmm?

Jennies face screwed up into an exasperated contortion and an irritated sigh escaping her lips Moooom, I pay attention to you

Really Noras terse voice replied Then where am I going, if you pay such great attention?

Mom, I never said I- Jenny began, but the words turned into an exasperated growl as she caught Noras eye -Arrrgh! Fine. Youre going to some convention thingy, something about a planet or something

Not a planet XJ-9, a panel, a very prestigious panel in fact. I have been asked to participate in the Earth Sciences Convention for five years now, and finally they gave me a reason to be happy about it. Nora returned to lugging her bags Conventional application of advanced AI, thats what the panels about you know-

Yeah, I know said Jenny her eyes rolling in her eye sockets, making gentle rattling noises as they did.

-And I am the leading authority on the subject you know-

I know

-And if I dont show up theyre going to give the spot to Mogg-

I know mother

Nora looked at Jenny with a narrowed eye Oh, and I suppose you know your assignment then

Jenny looked back at her mother with a slightly petulant look An assignment? Mom its the end of school, its summer Mom, remember? Summer? You know, the time when all the teens hang out together?

XJ-9 I am familiar with summer but hanging out does not take precedence over the safety of the world

But Mooommmm-

Abububub! Dr. Wakeman said, her finger held high to forestall any teenaged complaints I will not here any more of this young robot. Now if you insist on making a scene like this I am just going to have to take you with me wont I?

Jenny clapped her hands over her mouth in horror You wouldnt

I would, and I will if this keeps up the doctor declared Now follow me to my lab

Fine Jenny grumbled and trudged after her mother, her metallic boots clomping heavily and creating a great reverberating noise, even through the carpet.

Eventually they reached Noras lab. It was a chaotic and disheveled place and full of the smell of smoke (Really Jenny couldnt smell, but she could register elements floating in the air). Someones been soldering Jenny mused and she tells me to keep my room clean, feh. Jenny herself thought it amazing that such an old woman like her mother could keep from injuring herself in this deathtrap, but Nora knew this place well and nimbly stepped around various piles of clutter like a mountain goat. They passed several stacks of files and papers, some sp precariously stacked that they threatened to come tumbling down at even the faintest touch. Ultimately they came to a table with a sleek and small computer chip nestled in a black box on top of it.

Jenny curiously glanced at the chip, Mom, whats that supposed to be for?

This, Jenny, is the Sustained Engram Emitting Repeater, or the S.E.E.R for short.

Right Jenny said a little cautiously So whats it do?

Ohh this is a good one. It allows you to project your consciousness into the internet. But this is not a toy X-J9!

Jennys pigtails whirred quizzically upward Why do I need it if its not to surf the web?

Dr. Wakeman began fiddling with the S.E.E.R with a soldering iron and made a few last minute adjustments in bright blue flashes Its part of that assignment I mentioned XJ-9. I originally designed you to fight corporeal crime, aliens, zombies and the like. I left cyber-crime to the police. But- Nora said switching a lever on the chip -recently there has been some Hacker breaking into sensitive areas of the United Nations database. More accurately though, the sections that deal with the Cluster

The Cluster? Who would want to know about that? Vexus was kicked out a like three months ago. And Vegas in charge now anyway. If they really wanted to know about the Cluster they could just ask

Nora rubbed her chin thoughtfully Thats what worries me X-J9. Whoever wants that data can only be up to no good. The new Cluster government is young, and though it has full support of its citizens, its military is something else entirely. I think someone on earth might want to manipulate that delicate political climate, and oh is it delicate. In any case this device allows you to replicate what a VR setup can do for a human by appropriating your dream chip. Normally, I wouldnt trust you to meld with the internet normaly, with all those viruses floating around, but I trust those clowns at skyway patrol less. Now be a dear and let me install it.

Jenny spun her head in a full 180 degrees, and a maintenance hatch opened behind her head. Reaching in deeply, Nora installed the S.E.E.R with a muffled grunt Good, fits perfectly. Now, Every time a breach is detected in the computer system a alarm will go of on the monitor frequency, so youll need to get right on that, but as for now I need to get going. Cant keep the taxi waiting forever can I? Now remember Ill only be gone four days OK? Oils in the fridge, and I rented some of those movies you like. And please be more careful than you usually are X-J9. I dont want to spend another afternoon repairing your antivirus software a Honk sounded outside. Ooh! Thats the Taxi. I need to get going. Nora said heading to the door Try to keep out of trouble wont you? Jenny waved See you Mom, have fun at your panel or whatever! Nora opened the door and left.

Jenny did a silent impromptu dance. Ooh I have the house all to myself; this is going to be so great! She thought through her gyrations. Indeed, it was looking like it would be a very good four days at the least. She continued dancing as the taxi puttered away. She continued dancing to the fridge, grabbed a can of oil, and sauntered up to her room. She waltzed to her bed, and let herself fall back with a contented sigh onto the bed. She popped the lid of the oil can and took a refreshing draught as her mattresses springs groaned in protest. This was going to be a great few days, even with school.

Hey Jen, Whats up?

Jenny glanced up to see a 15 year old boy climb through her window. He was of a pale complexion, and wore a vest and a dress shirt. The shirt was not tucked in and its tails stuck out at asymmetrical angles. His most notable feature might have been his spiky red hair.

Hey Brad, Jenny said casually and glanced around wheres Tuck? She asked in a bit of confusion. Tuck, Brads younger sibling stuck like glue to Brad most of the time, so Brad being on his own was just a bit of an oddity.

Brad leaned on a wall and shrugged I told him there was a treasure buried under his school, he should be gone for an hour at least Jenny giggled, and Brad continued So wheres your Mom going? I saw her leave in a Taxi?

Oh that. shes going to some big convention for four days.

Wow, really? So the house is all yours?

As all mine as it can be

You have an unsupervised house? Do you know what that means? Brad began enthusiastically Time to Par-tay! And now shes gone for even longer, Score! he ended the sentence with an exited whoop.

Jenny got up from her bed, which let out a groan of bending springs Oh no you dont. Last time we had a party at my place, half of the student body nearly threw themselves over a cliff, and before that they almost caused the Minutians to succeed in their invasion.

Brad smiled Geez Jenny, lighten up. Its just a party, nothing can go wrong

Im not falling for that again Brad, no parties at my house. Its just going to be me and relaxation She stressed the syllables of the last word.

If you feel that way Jenny. Brad said, attempting to place a beleaguered expression on his face Anyway, I was on my way to Sheldons. He needs some help moving some stuff down to his garage, and I can not wait to get my hands on some blackmail material

Jenny cocked an eyebrow Youre evil, you know that?

I like to think I do my part

Jenny sat back down on the bed. I think Ill pass Brad, I just wasnt to take a load off my mind without my Mom getting all crazy.

Brad climbed out the window again and descended to the earth below but not before calling out, You dont know what youre missing Jen! He walked back to the street, his hands in his pockets. He really had wished Jenny had come along; hanging out with Sheldon for extended period of time could be strange. Brad shuddered involuntarily and hoped Sheldon didnt try and rope him into playing that whole Drakes and Dungeons game again. Besides, Jenny was a superhero, she could get that room cleaned faster than anyone he knew, and he wouldnt need to lift a finger. Also, it was always worth a laugh to she Jenny give Sheldon a beating for some of his more creepy pursuits. I wonder if his Jenny shrine is still up. Brad thought, and resolved to find out as soon as he got to Sheldons.

He was so absorbed in thinking to himself that he failed to notice a car pull up next to him. Excuse me boy, but do you know where Tremorton high is? came a voice from the cars window. It was rough, and had a hint of an accent to it, though for the life in him Brad couldnt place it. Brad looked over and saw a man leaning out the window to address him. The man was an older man, somewhere around 40 or 45 years of age. He had black, graying hair which traveled down the side of his face to a graying goatee. He wore thin spectacles on his pale and wrinkling face. Brad noted with some interest that the man was dressed unseasonably warm, complete with a trench coat and scarf. His expression was quizzical, but it had an edge to it, and looked like he was not in the mood for mischief.

Sure I know where Tremorton high is Brad said with a air of practiced coolness Just keep on following this street down to Maple, and then take a left until Jefferson. You cant miss it

The older man eyed brad critically before breaking out into a smile Thanks kid, Ill put in a good word for ya. he said with a wink and began driving down the street. Brad waited for a few moments and then began the walk towards Sheldons. That was weird Brad thought. He pushed it from his mind, it wasnt that important. Besides, there was blackmail material for the taking a few blocks down.

Good, it will be a nice diplomatic branch to return my mothers slaves Vega mused as she sat. The throne where she rested was massive with inlays of gold and precious jewels, looking out over the assembled court of Clusters aristocracy. Vega fussed in the seat. She had meant to have the thing melted down for parts, but she just couldnt get around to doing it. It was the last relic her mother had left behind after all.

The coup for Cluster Prime had been quick, and nearly without conflict. Vega had wanted a new government. She fancied a republic herself, with each planet in the empire having representatives on Cluster Prime. The citizens would have none of it; however, and despite her protestations she had become the new Empress of Cluster Prime. A flicker of a giggle flashed through Vegas circuits. Perhaps she had wanted to have this happen deep down. Now she was respected, powerful even. Of course she was just, but all that power at her fingertips was just a bit intoxicating; and in court, that feeling increased by ten fold

She had sat through Cluster Court for three months now, and it was beginning to wear on her. This particular court was not really helping the feeling anyway. How did Mom put up with this? Vega wondered silently as she waited for the Aristocracy to address her, one by one, and expect ruling on their problems, both petty and great.

For a highly evolved civilization, Cluster government was still in the dark ages as far as earth was concerned. Literally. Robots, living for essentially indefinite spans of time, were slow to change. They would refine, upgrade, and innovate, but drastic changes were few and far between. For now, the Cluster was ruled as it had always been, as a feudalistic government. Rights and property descended from the queen to a select few Noble families, who then would delegate their power to other families down a unending chain of robots. It had worked excellently under the economic grease of Slave labor, but now with the slaves on nearly all of the Clusters many assimilated planets were released, the well oiled machine of the Cluster was beginning to rust. Vega wanted to change that. She was young, practically an infant by conventional robot reckoning (A fact that had earned her the unofficial title of The Child Queen by the masses) and out of everyone in the Cluster empire, she saw the need for change. The Empire was going through growing pains, and Vega was damned if she was just going to let the empire fall apart from something as trivial as that.

Vegas optics noticed that the herald had not left yet. Rather, he stood nervously, he gears grinding together with audible strain. What is it? asked Vega.

The herald made a quick bow Excuse me my queen, but I have other news. I am afraid it is not, ah, optimal. He straightened and continued The Earth government in collision with the Mars Republic demand reparations for the crimes done to their citizens, totaling no less than six billion credits. Vega listened passively. She had expected something like that. The Herald continued Even more distressing is the outlying Colonies of Velix 4, Aston, and Dar Fel. As of 0400 hours they refused to acknowledge your leadership and have declared themselves a sovereign nation, called the Confederation of independent planets.

Vega had not expected that at all What? What reason would they have? she said, her voice incredulous.

The herald dipped his head in deference I do not no my queen. Their dispatch declared that they have never received adequate treatment from the Cluster, and they believe that as a Confederation of planets that they would be better off not paying taxes to a new regime. They were excruciatingly polite my queen and they hope that they could open trading relations.

They are fools! a mechanical voice bellowed from behind the queen, and Gerzon, an elderly robot, stepped forth. In his youth he had been a judge, and after the fall of the Cluster hegemony Vega had found him a loyal and indispensable member of her court. He was a barrel chested robot, with a stunning finish of chrome despite his age. To think that they can simply leave the Cluster and expect us to be all Oh sure, go ahead? This is madness! He turned to Vega This must be stopped at once Vega. If the other colonies see this they will take it as an invitation to join with these treasonous vermin

Vega looked back at Gerzon Be quiet Gerzon. I know how serious this is, and I will address it at an appropriate time, not before. A Council will be formed to deal with this threat. Gerzon stood erect, grinding his lower mandible Of course my queen

Vega sighed inwardly. Gerzon was brave, strong and reliable. He was quick to laugh, and quick to forgive. On the other hand though, he had a terrifyingly short fuse and a vicious protective streak when it came to the Cluster nation; and as far as Gerzon was convinced, Vega was the Cluster. She knew he only wanted the best for the Cluster, but he was always treating her like a child. She was 16 damn it, and was just as smart as anyone.

The Herald continued. In addition, the Military is slow to respond to our summons home. The responses that they have returned have been curt and uninformative. There is a general sentiment that they are not coming back.

Vega acknowledged this with a nod. The Cluster military was an entirely different automation than the rest of the Cluster. They were built for one thing, and one thing only, combat. It was unlikely that without extensive reprogramming that they could ever function in peacetime, and reprogramming them would be a devastating attack on their, and every other Cluster citizens, rights. Vega even wondered if they did reprogram them, if they could ever get close enough to do it. Most of the drones were nothing more than hunks of metal with a motherboard and some servos, and while most were able to have personalities, they also were dumb as a post. But there were other robots in the Cluster military, robots strong and cunning, almost feral in comparison to other robots. Others were cold and calculating, and as unmoving as a mountain. And some, some were never allowed to set foot on any Cluster planet, ever.

The Herald gathered his breath, a useless theatric, given he did not need to breath Also, in the chaos of the succession, for the first time in five hundred years we are experiencing terrorist activities. Today at 0600 hours a payload of three hundred kilos of explosive was deployed in a central communications hub. Half of the city went out of action. We reported 12 wounded, 24 disabled, and 3 permanently deactivated. Eyewitness reports say it was a self destruct sequence from a robot. We have yet to confirm his identity A gasp was heard in the empty throne room, and to Vegas surprise it was hers. The Police suspect it was, ah, a diversion.

Through the horror of her own citizens killing each other Vega coulnt help but think this is going to be a heavy blow to the golden chippers. Everyone loved having their golden computer chips installed, but there were some that feared them to. Turning every citizen of Cluster prime into a walking missile platform was just too dangerous, they said. They should be restricted, or outlawed, or any other manner of things. Vega believed in every robots right to be in control of their body, but this atrocity was beginning to sway her.

The throne room filled with nervous talk, some members of Cluster aristocracy even looked physically wounded. Snatches of conversation wafted through the throne room, Terrorism? was the most common term bandied about, but Vega could hear other words, hateful words. Vega rose out of Vexuss thro- Her throne.

Who is responsible for this outrage? She demanded

My queen! herald exclaimed Cringing away We do not know, we suspect it was a separatist movement though. They would have done something in the data blackout Vega looked over, and even through her anger she could see the fear in the herald, and like a morning fog her anger abated, only to be replaced by a great weariness.

Gerzon Vega said quietly What would you suggest?

Gerzon looked at the young queen My lady, He began I can only suggest that you find the culprits immediately. Though the common robot wholeheartedly endorses you, there is unrest in this country that has festered for 2000 years under your mothers rule. You must act quickly and decisively, lest these separatists gain more supporters.

But I cannot be too harsh, or else Ill act just like my Mother Vega grumbled.

We cannot stand this outrage! A Cluster Noble exclaimed, Vega dimly remembered him to be known as J-40 As citizens of the Cluster we must act NOW. J-40 said, slamming an iron clad appendage on his bench.

Vega addressed him And what would you suggest, Lord J-40?

Suggest? I demand that we strike back at these terrorists! Circuits for circuits, oil for oil! He finished, and a grumbling agreement spread through the court.

Vega might have been young in the ways of polotics, but she knew that this was inexcusable Lord J-40! You demand nothing! She screeched back at J-40, ignoring the embarrassing crack in her voice. I am Queen here and I will not stand for such insubordination. You will suggest, but you will order nothing!

For a few palpable seconds, their wills locked in a titanic struggle. In the silence Vega could swear she could even hear subroutines completing in her head. She was studying J-40, and she could tell J-40 was studying her. J-40 had a polished blue exterior, with a centauric chassis. His torso had two powerful arms, while his abdomen was set up with four limbs. Vega noticed that on his back were two pairs of wings, similar to those her mother once had.

With her mother defeated, the supply of golden computer chips had been returned to the people, and it had sparked a new age of self discovery. And fear Vega thought. J-40 was definitely modeled like her mother. He wore a head piece of blue and black stripes, and sported her mothers the insectoid design. He must be having a hard time with that Vega considered. Not everyone on Cluster Prime was accepting as Vega had hoped they would be, and a peculiar anti-insect styled racism was becoming prevalent. The Robots built that way couldnt help it, but the abuse continued. So far it was small, and Vega hoped to keep it that way, but Vega wasnt so sure it would stay that way. J-40 was lucky to be part of the aristocracy, and somewhat immune to that racism, but every line on his body was tense. Hes just is trying to prove himself Vega realized, and for a moment she felt sorry for him. They she Hardened her heart Proving himself or not, I will not allow him to make a mockery of me.

The Stare down continued. Until finaly, J-40 lowered his eyes. Forgive me my queen he mumbled dejectedly I forget myself at times

Vega sat once more, gathered her synthetic breath, and spoke with her most regal voice Lord J-40 speaks the truth though. These attacks on Cluster will not be tolerated. The culprits will be caught and they will face justice. But there will be no lynchings. This is not the Old Cluster, this is the new, the reborn. They will be captured as is the law, and they will face justice, as is the law. She looked around the hall, and saw the lords slowly nodding their heads. Her gaze returned to J-40. He was humbled, and his eyes looked at his feet. Now for something risky Vega thought For this task, I name Lord J-40 as head of the effort J-40 looked up at the mention of his name, and then froze, unable to process what had just happened M-my queen? He said I, I am honored. I swear to bring this filth to justice Vega smiled a private little smile and continued.

The Confederate colonies cannot be ignored either. I have no military experience, and out Army has deserted us, but perhaps it is for the better. I do not want to reclaim the colonies in a hail of fire and oil. That is the old Cluster, this is the new. We must stand united. I will think about this matter, but for now, we will adjourn for a recess.

The Aristocracy stood and left the hall, leaving Gerzon and Vega, alone but for their guards. On your feet lass Gerzon said, reassuringly placing a hand on Vegas shoulder We have to get ready for a press release

Vega stood up and looked plaintively at Gerzon Do I have to? Im so tired.

Gerzon chuckled Welcome to politics my queen. Youll get used to it. Now lets get you ready They both began walking from the hall with slow strides.

Things are really bad arent they? Vega asked quietly.

Gerzon stopped for a second and sighed. I wont lie to you, but this is the lowest point the Cluster has had for 500 years. Youre in a unique spot, and you are the only thing keeping this whole empire from coming apart at the seams. He continued walking The tensions Vexus left are just the tip of the datastream. Cluster Law states that the queen can only be succeeded if either she is deactivated, or abdicates the throne. Though no one wants her back, there will be bots who will not accept youre rule, and will seek for legal avenues to increase there own gain, like the confederates. He put a heavy hand on his chrome chin I think there may be others of this mind at court

J-40? Do you suspect him? Vega inquired.

No Gerzon replied He is just newly assembled and a male unit Gerzon then broke out into a loud belly laugh And that was a sharp piece of work back there queeny! First you beat him around the server than you give him a charge of more importance than hes ever had! He aint going to be saying anything bad about you for a long time!

Vega giggled It just seemed like the thing to do. J-40 is a smart robot, with a lot of passion. This should be a good outlet

Gerzon looked back at her See, youre getting used to this sort of politics. Before you know it youll have the whole court eating out of your hands

Vega smiled I guess so and walked farther down the passage. They walked in silence the rest of the way, until Vega quietly spoke I wish Jenny was here

So do I my queen. So do I

A drone scurried up to his commander. Sir? Tatican did not move, seemingly oblivious to the drone. The drone knew better. Tatican never gave anything away in a conversation. No matter who he talked to he always played his hand close to the vest. The only time anyone had ever seen that icy disposition crack had been on Omicron, and even then, it was merely a growl and a balling of his fists.

The Drone Straightened behind Tatican Commander, we have received another Comm wave from Cluster Prime. Should we respond?

Tatican was Silent for a few seconds, allowing several processes to run their course in his mind. For a robot like him, it was an eternity. No, he responded I will not honor a usurper, keep the comm Quiet

The Drone Saluted, Sir it barked, and scuttled back to its post, leaving Tatican to his silent Vigil

If one was close enough to Tatican, they might have heard him mutter, in a voice akin to a rusty knife being sharpened. Where are you my Queen, He whispered to the empty view screen, Where are you Vexus He continued to stare into the void, as if it would answer, but the placid veneer was undisturbed. Tatican hated this, he had hated every minute of his command for the Last three months. He hated those three Months ago everything fell apart.

Tatican was a general, a true general, not like that oaf Smytus, who was more brutality and cunning than finesse and intelligence. He had masterminded the downfall a dozen planets, each with their own culture and own defenders. All had burned at his feet, crushed under their own failings, without Tatican ever having to use the full might of his armies. He had fought when all the odds were against him and had succeeded, and he had never lost a battle.

And all he had done, he had done for his queen.

And now she was gone, overthrown by her treacherous daughter and some filthy Earth Robot. Tatican seethed silently. He had been away laying siege a planet during the revolt, and by the time the planet had surrendered, he had been ordered home by the wretched usurper. He had sued to keep a garrison on the conquered planet, but the usurper had forbid it. Chastised, He began the long trip home. But before he left, he made sure his conquest would never again defy the Cluster. He had shelled the planet from orbit, and turned the planet into a ball of molten glass and slag.

That action had drawn the ire of the Child queen Vega. She had stated, in no uncertain terms, that Tatican would return home immediately and then would surrender his command to the will of the cluster. He had acquiesced before her, but as soon as she left a new course of action blazed in his mind. This was no rightful queen, he had realized, she was weak, and would lead the Cluster back to the times before freedom of the organics. He could not allow her to continue, he could not allow the Cluster to fall. In a burning desire for knowledge, he sent out a call across his net of informers in every part of the galaxy. Slowly, the story of the New Cluster took shape.

He raged. He had left Smytus with Vexus to protect her whil she toyed with the Earth. Could that idiot not have been trusted with that task? 90 of the Cluster fleet was with Taticus, and the 10 left to Smytus must have been at least five times he amount needed to subjugate earth, and what had happened? A failure so crushing that it had sundered all that Tatican had sworn to! Regret surged through his circuits. Why could he not have been there? It was his fault Vexus was dethroned. Why did he not bring her with him? She loved to see planets fall to the Cluster, why did he not ask her to come? And why, why had he left her with that oaf Smytus?

Tatican thought of what he would do to the usurper when he got his metallic hands around her throat. He would show her that the Cluster fleet served only one queen. He would make her pay for what she had done to him. She would pay for taking meaning out of his life.

Commander! A drone called out along the bridge We are receiving a distress beacon.

Tatican turned A beacon? What is its origin solider? Tatican was curious about this, even though something felt wrong about it. He pushed the feeling aside. As a rule, Tatican never let feelings get in the way of war.

It is difficult to pinpoint sir, but we have a location, and an audio clip. It is distorted though sir.

Put it on screen Tatican ordered, his eyes full of a hungry spark

The View screen flared to life with the white snow of static. Though the crush, words could be made out This I chhhhhhhh- s. Destroye -shhhhhh- Carpon of th -Chsssht- requesting immediate shhhhhc- , priority code 22843 code a -chhhhh— the rest of the transmission was static, before repeating in binary.

Tatican was unmoved except for the tiniest twitch or his right index finger I know that voice Tatican growled Smytus Emotion surged through Tatican in a cascade of electrical impulses. Fear, worry, hope, and joy whirled through him, but the strongest by far was anger. Tatican suddenly spun back to the bridge. I want a full burn hyperspace jump to those coordinates now. Send comms to the rest of the fleet telling them to set out in a Fang formation, except for the 6th and 12th fleet. I want them in flanking positions in 10 galactic standard time units after we arrive.

The Drones saluted Sir! they exclaimed in unison, and began their work at a furious pace. Voices droned into communications posts and digits and limbs worked in rapid succession, and slowly, the bulk of the Talon moved through the void of space. Warning Klaxons blared as the hyperspace jump began, beginning first in English, and then in binary. Space began to ripple as quantum laws began to distort the reality of the universe. Space began to boil infront of the talon, and in front of the numerous other warships in the Cluster fleet.

Tatican returned to looking into space. His body was tense, jittery even. His hands grasped a guardrail and squeezed. Amidst the chaos around the bridge, no one could hear the metal whine and squeal beneath Taticans Iron grip. Low in his chest, a growl began to form.

Smytus he said to himself When we meet, you are going to do just a little bit of explaining on why you failed so miserably and then- Taticus tightened his grip on a handrail, denting it severely-Im going to treat you to something special Tatican stared ahead as the whole of space ripped asunder in a warp jump, and as the world dissolved into colors and bolts of energy he headed to the only lead he had to find his lost queen.