Teenage Robot Hentai

My Life As A Teenage Robot Porn Story: Tell all ye faithful – Chapter 5

My Life As A Teenage Robot Porn Story: Tell all ye faithful – Chapter 5

“Thanks for letting me stay.” I said.

“No prob, if you don’t mind sleeping on the floor.” Brad said.

“I’m a robot. I have no feeling, remember?”

“Right, right. Gotcha.” He said.

“Hey Jenny!” Tuck said, “Are you really staying for the night?”

“Yeah. I guess I am.” I said, “I can’t believe your parents let me stay.”

“Mom and dad are really cool with stuff during the holidays.” Brad told me, “It’s like free bail.”

“Go Home.” The voice said, “They’re Christmas people, not your kind of people.”

“This is driving me crazy!” I said, “This stupid voice!” I banged my head against the wall.

“Hey! Easy Jenny! I need that wall!” Brad said.

“Brad, I have to get this thing out of my head! I can’t hear myself think!”

“If you want it out, why don’t you just ask your mom to take it out?”

“I already did! Like, a gazillion times!”

“You know,” Tuck said, “Gazillion isn’t an actual number. You’re a high-tech robot, you should know that.”

I sighed. “Not now, Tuck.”

“You know Jenny,” Brad said, “I’ve got a little bit of techie in me.”

“Yeah, you go to the Polytech bake sale!” I mocked him.

“They happen to make a great cherry pie.” Brad said.

Tuck said, “He’s not lyin’!”

I sighed. “Get to the point Brad.”

“As I was saying,” Brad continued, “I have a bit of technical know-how and I bet I could get that chip out.”

“Brad, Sheldon couldn’t get this chip out! How do you think you’ll be able to?” I asked.

“I’m very good with my hands.” Brad said.

“What about your brain?”

“It comes in handy.”

“Brad, maybe Jenny’s right.” Tuck said.

“What do you know? You’re twelve.” Brad said stubbornly.

“Do you even have any tools?” I asked.

“It’s just a stupid chip. What do I need tools for?” He wanted to know.

“Have you ever worked with robotics before?” I asked.

“Jenny, that’s a stupid question,” He said, “I work with you all the time.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Just let me take a peek in your noggin, and it’ll be out in a jiffy.” He said.

“Don’t touch my head.” I told him, “My brain is ten times as advanced as yours!”

“You let Sheldon try to take it out!” Brad argued, “Which I shouldn’t know about because you never told me, but that’s not the point!”

“My brain is only five times as advanced as Sheldon’s.” I said.

“Waitaminute!” Brad said, “Did you just call me stupid?”

“Oh please! This is pathetic!” I said.

“Okay! Enough!” Tuck said, “Listen Jenny, I know it sounds weird, but just let Brad try and take the chip out. I’m sure if anything goes wrong your mom is next door.”

I sighed and handed him a pliers. “Please, don’t do anything stupid.”

“When have I ever done anything stupid, Jenny?” He asked me.

“Would you call driving an alien spaceship stupid?”

He took the pliers. “I happen to be an extraterestrial expert.”

“You are so lying.” I said.

He stuck the pliers into my head. “Gotta be here somewhere…”


“Just a minute Jenny.”

“I can’t see anything.”

“That’s perfectly normal.”

“No it’s not.”

“I got it.” He took a chip out.

There was complete silence. I heard nothing.

“Wow. I’ts out, and I can see.” I said.

“I told you.” Brad said, “The Bradster can do anything.”

“I can’t believe it. It’s all gone. You did something right.” I told Brad.

“Amazing, ain’t it?”

I nodded.


Okay, this isn’t the last chapter, and I know that you waited forever for this huge paragraph of nonsense, but let’s be reasonable. I’m very busy.

First, there’s my MLAATR website .

Second there’s my yahoo group ./xj9teenagerobot/join Third, I’m a mod at the Jenny’s World forum, and that’s not as easy as it sounds.

Fourth, I’m writing this fic and two others of my own, and two that I’m co-writing! I have this one, Tell all ye faithful, X7T and the non-upped Raul-17 fic (This will not be the title, but yeah) and I’m co-writing with Anthony Logatto for Jenny & The World Robot Competition and I’m co-writing with Cartoon Girl for a sequel to A Tale of Two Nicktoons.

Fifth, I have art club after school on Tuesdays, MathCounts about once a week, and English Festival.

Sixth, with Xmas happening I have to clean almost the whole house! All of my dad’s family comes over and eats all our food and then they usually leave to my Grandpa’s house to play craps, but he doesn’t have a craps table anymore so they’re gonna stay here for another few hours, I think. They might leave, but probably not. Then I have to go to my aunt’s for Xmas on my Mom’s side, and I’ve been Christmas shopping for days!!!!!

Don’t get the wrong idea, I love you guys a ton, but this might take awhile to get the last chapter up. I’ll try and get up before New Year’s, but I’m not promising anything -.- I’m so stupid.